King Tool Inc can be contacted at (517) 265-2741. Adrian Gouffier de Boissy (1479–1523), French Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal King Tool Inc is located at 971 Division St, Adrian, MI 49221.Adrian Fortescue (martyr) (1476–1539), English courtier at Henry VIII's court, beatified as a Roman Catholic martyr.Adrian of Poshekhonye (died 1550), Russian Orthodox saint, hegumen of Dormition monastery in Yaroslavl region.Adrian of Ondrusov (died 1549), Russian Orthodox saint and wonder-worker.Adrian of Nicomedia (died 306), martyr and Herculian Guard of the Roman Emperor Galerius Maximian.

Adrian of Moscow (1627–1700), last pre-revolutionary Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.Adrian of May (died 875), Scottish saint from the Isle of May, martyred by Vikings.Adrian of Castello (1460–1521), Italian cardinal and writer.Adrian of Canterbury (died 710), scholar and Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury.Adrian of Batanea (died 308), Christian martyr and saint.2 Government, politics and the military.As an English name, it has been in use since the Middle Ages, although it did not become common until modern times. Several saints and six popes have borne this name, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope, Adrian VI. Emperor Hadrian's family was named after the city or region of Adria/Hadria, now Atri, in Picenum, which most likely started as an Etruscan or Greek colony of the older harbor city of the same name. Hecataeus of Miletus (c.550 - c.476 BC) asserted that both the Etruscan harbor city of Adria and the Adriatic Sea had been named after it. The Adria was until the 8th century BC the main channel of the Po River into the Adriatic Sea but ceased to exist before the 1st century BC. Its ultimate origin is most likely via the former river Adria from the Venetic and Illyrian word adur, meaning "sea" or "water". Adriaan, Adriaen, Adriana, Adriane, Adriano/Adrião, Adrianus, Adrien, Adrienne, Adi, Arie, Jadran, JadrankoĪdrian is a form of the Latin given name Adrianus or Hadrianus.